Another fun night with our Vegas friends! We started the night off with yummy food! Elena and Bob's house is perfect for get togethers. They have an enormous house and a beautiful backyard. The kids where mainly upstairs having a blast playing. They also helped bring in the new year by banging pots and blowing their party favors. The adults and Eric hung out downstairs and in the backyard. Jeff brought his laptop and speaker (of coarse) so we could listen to music. We played Catch Phrase, lit a bunch of fireworks threw out the night and hang out with great friends. All in all it was a fun night for all of us! The only sad part for me was thinking that this most likely is the last time we can all hang out like this. Most of us are going to other bases in a few months. That's what being in the military is all about. Meeting great people and then going our separate ways. But I look at it this way...If we would of never moved here then we wouldn't of met them. Same goes for all of our other friends located around the world. We love each and every one of you! We hoped you all had a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Until we meet again...love ya!!!!
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