Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter Sunday!

The Easter Bunny visits the kids!

The kids after the Egg Hunt!

Easter Family Picture!

Grandma Debble!

Grandma Julie!

Spring Break Week!

It was a fun spring break that went by too fast! Both grandmas flew in and stayed with us at our house. My mom got here on Monday the 6th and Jeff's mom arrived on Wednesdays the 8th. During the week we saw Monsters vs. Aliens, Went to the Chocolate Factory, shopped at the Town Square, visited Bonnie Springs and on the way home went up to the Red Rocks. We went out to eat at everyones favorite restaurant (Olive Garden). The kids died easter eggs with grandma Julie. We also had a little get together at the house. Something we've done for the past 5 years.

Hiking at Red Rock Canyon

Took the Grandmas to Bonnie Springs!

Shopping and leting the kids play @ Town Square

Infront of the Chocolate Factory!

In the van on our way to the Olive Garden

Easter egg dying with grandma and the kids!